In Between Years

Hello beautiful humans!

Here we are on the cusp of 2023! I remember having my first child in 1999 and thinking about how they would graduate college in 2021 and feeling like that seemed impossibly far away. Now we’re past that and almost finished with the first quarter of the 21st century. Yikes, that was fast!

I saw a meme the other day on Instagram that keeps popping into my head. It shared a German saying about the week between Christmas and New Years that translates as “in between years”. I can connect to that idea in the sense of this week being a kind of limbo time that’s full of anticipation for the coming New Year. I feel like I’ve been saying Happy New Year since the middle of December! It’s also seen as a time of pause where we are invited to consider what we are ready to let go of and leave behind with the closing of one year and to set intention around what we hope to manifest in the new year. There’s a sense of being on the cusp and depending on what’s going on in your life that cusp might be full of possibility and/or it might be full of anxiety.

But what if we looked at it as a pause to just be “in between”?

What if we took a few moments, or dare I say whole days, to not think about the past and letting go, or to contemplate the future and setting intentions and just sat with ourselves right in the center between the two and noticed? What if we took a few (thousand) breaths in awareness but without expectation or evaluation?

What if we let ourselves feel all the feels of pausing, comfortable, uncomfortable, and neutral?

What would happen?

That’s what I’ve been asking myself these last few days and just asking the questions has made me feel lighter and more prone towards appreciation than worry. So, for the next few days before and after New Year’s that’s what I’m doing and I encourage you to try it to. There’s no law that says we can’t wait a few days before we make our goals for 2023 and we might have a few new insights to help us take our best steps forward into 2023.

Wherever you are and whatever your plans, I wish you many blessings of joy and harmony. I hope that our paths cross again soon!

Sending love,
