Renewal and Reconnection

If I had been successful with my To Do List and had written this post two days ago as planned, I would have been writing and pausing to be inspired by the tiny green shoots coming up in my neighbor’s front yard. Today, as I write this, I’m looking out at snow on the ground and my weather ap tells me it’s 13 Degrees, Feels Like 3 Degrees outside. That story alone should make it clear why we talk about the weather so much in Vermont. It’s a roller coaster out there—especially this time of year!

These days I’m talking about the weather even more and not just because of those crazy Winter-Spring-Winter fluctuations. I’m paying more attention to how my inner barometer tracks with what’s happening outside and it’s fascinatingly similar!

I’m currently enrolled in an Ayurvedic Health Counselor training program and learning how deeply interconnected we are with weather and all of the governing forces of nature. It’s quite remarkable really, how much we think of ourselves as separate from the cycles of life and, at the same time, how much these cycles still affect us. When we aren’t attuned to and living in sync with these cycles is when we usually throw our health out of balance—at the physical, mental, and spiritual level.

There’s a great quote by Andy Goldsworthy about this that really resonates with me:

“We often forget that we are nature. Nature is not something separate from ourselves. So when we say that we have lost our connection with nature, we’ve lost our connection with ourselves.”

For example, in winter we intuitively increase our protective layers to adapt to the cold and dry weather. You may notice that in fall you begin to crave heavier food and that you tend to want to rest more which is the drive to conserve energy our biological systems know we need to keep us warm in colder weather. Your body will also begin to produce more mucous to keep you from drying out.

As spring approaches and the light and temperatures start to grow, just like the snow, we begin to melt. Things are damp outside and you may also feel like you have a constant runny nose or are clearing your throat and lungs more. You may also feel some growing agitation and restlessness. I noticed that I’m badgering my partner about getting out more and taking trips on an almost daily basis.  Both me and the spring shoots are starting to burst through, pushing to unload those extra layers and lethargy.

As I feel that rising energy within myself, I am watching what I do—and don’t do—in terms of daily practices and eating that nurture or douse that energy. I want to ease into this big transition, flow with it, and not burn myself out by summer. Our bodies need time to adjust to the shifts so I’m slowing down to observe and reflect more and taking care to shed my layers while still nurturing and protecting my prana (life force).

What’s different? I’m adding stronger postures to my yoga practice but I’m meditating more and listening for cues as to what I need to feel balanced. I’m not eating less but I’m adding more bitter, pungent and astringent tastes and sticking with warm cooked food to help balance the increasing dampness and cold and to dry myself out as I melt. It’s definitely making a difference and when I don’t do these things, I can feel more heaviness in my body and mind.

What about you? How are you feeling the shift towards Spring? What might you notice in a pause?

I’d love to help with that! Let’s make sure you find a sense of renewal and regeneration this Spring! I’m extending my $25 off sale on private Yoga and Reiki sessions through April. These sessions are ways for you to have support and guidance in establishing your best practices for health and healing. Check out private session options HERE.

This May, I’m also hosting another FREE online workshop to share how daily practices are a key tool in Ayurveda for living gracefully. I’ll be doing several live demonstrations of these practices and attendees will also be able to try them out. You can learn more and register HERE.

Plus, I will continue to have weekly online classes and am shifting my Tuesday evening class to an in-person setting at The Village Shala in Bristol starting April 12th. I will also be continuing to host Sunday morning Yin yoga classes at Harmonia salon in Bristol 1 or 2 times per month. Check out my schedule and register for classes HERE.

Discounted Packages and Memberships are available for private sessions and classes HERE.

Subham Astu! (I wish you many good things!),

Sending love and daffodils,
